Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm so SICK of being jerked around!

I found out about this gate keeping job,from my mom,who found out from a friend of her's that works there. I would LOVE to do that job. All u do is check the computer to see who's supposed to be there,and if the ppl coming in are on the list,u push a button to open the gate for them. it's for this gated community-type neighborhood. surrounded by all kinds of wealthy ppl and/or ambitous ppl,at least. lol anyway,the guy I went to about the job seems nice enough,and we talked for quite a while. I thought maybe I had a chance of getting this job since I just technically had my interview,but he couldn't get signed onto the internet or something,to get the application for me. He kept "fighting" w/his login and all that,and he claimed he was gonna email or fax me the application once he got it in. Then,I never received it,so I called him again to ask,and he said he was able to get into the system now and that he would mail me the app,so I have him my address to do so. Well, days went by and still nothing in the mail for me. I went back to see him a few days after that and,low and behold,he HAD the applications,and he gave me n my mom 1. now,at the time I went to see him,there were 2 job openings,yet when I saw him last time just now,he said there was only 1 left open,and they would keep the apps on file,and if they want either of us for the job,he'll call us. wtf??!! is it just me,or is this guy jerking me around?? why must ppl W/jobs jerk around those of us that don't? is this some kinda sick game to them? do they take great pride and JOY in leading ppl on? giving them false hope? damn! >.< And then,there's the OTHER places w/all their stupid "Now Hiring",signs which is yet,ANOTHER cruel joke! u put in ur application,and u never hear from them. then the other cruel irony is,"oh we're not hiring,but we're accepting applications incase something DOES open up." OH COME ON! y do u even BOTHER then? we BOTH know that,even IF something DOES come available,ur not gonna call me and let me know. CUT THE CRAP! either ur hiring or ur not! if ur NOT,then don't lead ppl to believe u r! don't advertise a job that ISN'T there! I'm surprised in this economy,there aren't more riots against assholes like these people. This crap has gotten so bad,I'm tempted to rob a damn bank,just so I won't have to do w/o anymore. Well fine,if I can earn money the RIGHT way,then maybe I should steal it. dammit I'm so SICK of FLORIDA! I wanna leave,and go to where the JOBS are! I know SOME states have a GREAT economy. Too bad I can't afford to move to 1 of THOSE states! >.<  I don't even know somebody that I could stay w/while I found a job and got my own place. =( I would love to go to Rhode Island or maybe New Hampshire,but I don't think either of those states are states w/a great economy. lol

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