Friday, May 22, 2015

I wonder if it's only dreams,or do spirits actually come after me in my sleep?

I had another dream that kinda freaked me out a little,yet I wasn't as terrified as I should be. for YEARS, I've been having "dreams"(I say that w/ quotes because they don't seem like ordinary nightmares) about some1 putting their hands all over me. grabbing me;grabbing an arm,leg or just poking me,and I can't see what or "who" it is. I'm always lying on my back in my bedroom,and it looks EXACTLY my real room;detail for detail-how it would look to me from the perspective it does when I'm awake.  I'm always paralyzed when it touches me. I'm not sure,but I think I dreamt about it again,but this time I saw it if that was the thing.

So, I'm outside this time in my back yard at night,off to the side of the house,and I get into a deep powerful prayer w/God(more powerful than anything I've ever prayed while I was awake),and I think some part me knew I was dreaming because I remember asking God something like, " this prayer counts right? even tho I am dreaming?" anyway,when I was done praying(even ending it w/an "amen " which I never bother to do in reality),and I felt better. I was cheery and walking w/a bounce in my step as I walked back inside.
I have a deck in my back yard,but it was in a different shape and right outside the slider glass door w/no porch like I have in real life.

Anyway I was by myself,and I walked back inside thru the slider glass door. As I stepped in and turned around to close the door,I was caught off guard to suddenly see a "man" standing there looking at me. He wasn't there moments before coz I woulda passed him on the way to the door. He was standing right there on the other side of the slider w/only the slider door between us. I don't know y I didn't jump to slam the door shut. I just backed away,and he TOO CALMLY slid the door open,and walked right in towards me. I backed up but not too far,and he reached out and grabbed my arm. I'm trying to remember what he looked like. either somebody in space suit/scuba diving outfit(like the "old" kind I guess w/the helmet thing),or some old man w/glasses only where u should see eyes,it was..light? white light. I'm not sure. I can't accurately recall how he looked. I was slowly starting to lose the ability to move,but I was still able to move just enough to struggle. I started praying and asking Jesus to get rid of him(which of course didn't happen),but I still had control of my voice. Normally, I can't talk above a raspy whisper and sometimes not at all,but this time, I still had my voice at full volume. I was praying out a sentence,and the 1 sentence,it was like I lost my breath(only I didn't) because I missed 1 of the words in my sentence as my voice gave out,but I immediately got it back in time to get the next word,and I just kept going until I woke up.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Disturbing/Awesome Dreams

Dream #1: I had some strange dreams this morning. I was only sleep maybe an hour at most when I started getting this weird series of dreams. The 1st 1 I think was about Rob. There was about 6-8 picnic tables w/ like 3 or 4 in each row under some outside "roof" like u would see at a park. anyway,some event of some sort was going on because all the tables were FULL. there were LOADS of people sitting at all of them,and I was kinda in the 1 row sorta furthest from the last table in the other row,and I thought I saw ROB sitting at that table. He was wearing the blue and white striped shirt I love so much w/the skull on it in the dream. It looked like him over there sitting,talking and laughing w/the people at that table. There were enough other people kinda in my way blocking my view just enough that I couldn't be sure if it was him,but I started pining away for him all over again. I don't recall speaking out loud,but I felt myself being ansty and almost jumping up and running over there,and I was thinking in my mind and heart, "omg. it's Rob. I miss u so much and love u. I want u back." or something,and he seemed to read my mind coz he suddenly stopped talking and laughing,and he looked right at me and got up just as antsy and fast as I was doing,and he started walking quickly towards me going around the people,but as he was making his way towards me,his appearance started changing. his face AND body changed,and he looked more like 12 or 14 year old boy...not a 12/ 14 yr old version of HIM but a random 12/14 yr old boy,and I started to push him away and said, "never mind. ur not who I thought u were."  but maybe it WAS still him. I don't know,but it was weird.

Dream #2: My dream suddenly flipped over to another a dream. I had some dreams where I'm in my "room",but it's not my real room. However the same exact dim lighting I had on from my desk lamp was the same kinda light in my "room."  my room was set up slightly different from my real room. I was standing by my bed and closet,and the bedroom door was to the right of my closet(in real life,it's to the left of it). It was Carrie. I met her at orientation months ago,and we've been good friends since..she was in my dream opening my door, I heard her talking to somebody I didn't see or hear,and she opened my door only slightly then looked at me,and I looked back then she closed the door and walked out. I can't remember if this was between my dream about Rob,and the next 1 I'm about to tell,or if was after. Anyway this brief bedroom/Carrie opening my door looking at me then leaving dream happened TWICE during my series of dreams. I dreamt about Jason Lee(who is my celebrity crush at the moment),and this guy at work who I also have a major crush on. Anyway, Jason Lee is sitting on the steps of some house,and I'm leaning down to kiss him. Just before our lips touch,the guy I know from work yells out to me, "KATHLEEN! STOP!" or something. I don't remember what he said,but he ran over there and picked me up,and ran back w/me across the street somewhere. He then set me on my feet.  Again..can't remember all he said,but he was grinning and laughing and I guess...flirting w/me. Whatever it was he was about to do,he stopped himself and said, "wait! I'm gonna do this the right way!"  and he started reaching deep down in his pocket,and I wondered if he was about to propose to me. It's weird coz in real life this guy is GAY,and he has a boyfriend. Before I could find out what he was about to do,the dream switched on me AGAIN.

"Dream"  #3? I'm not sure but after the last few dreams, I woke up and intended to grab my dream catcher keychain from the top of my dresser,but I just couldn't make myself get up. My eyes quickly started closing again,and I couldn't fight 2 stay awake; I quickly lost that battle. I think I fully understand sleep paralysis now. My mind was still conscious even tho my body was quickly going back to sleep. I was afraid of what the next dream might be,so I was fighting the whole time and could feel myself going deeper back into sleep,and the paralysis had already started taking effect. I was trying to move and when that didn't work, I successfully opened my mouth(I think. not sure if for real or only in the "dream"),in an attempt to make ANY noise that would wake me back up,but I couldn't utter out a sound. Because I was terrified of what dream I might have,I started praying and begging God to let me wake up. Now mind u,I couldn't SPEAK,so I was praying in my HEAD. As I was praying,my thoughts FORMING,right on cue, I heard voices echoing back at me,saying what I was and kinda mocking the pleaing tone of desperation I would've used if my voice would work. The voices seemed to be speaking on my behalf,yet they sounded like they were MOCKING me. doing a half ass job of imitating my voice,and I saw nobody. Just heard some disembodied strange sounding voices..not so human sounding at all either mocking me or speaking FOR me since my voice wouldn't work. It actually creeped me out enough that when I finally woke up, I forced myself to sit up and stay awake for a WHILE before going back to sleep coz that last 1 seriously creeped me out.