Monday, December 13, 2010

How do u deal w/having WAY too many interests at a time?

I'm having a bit of a dilemma here. I have a serious case of C.M.U.M.M.S.(Can't make up my mind syndrome).
I have way too many interests and can't seem to just PICK 1 to after 1st. I've wanted to go to college for YEARS but had never graduated high school,but now that I got my ged I CAN go to college,but...I CAN'T DECIDE for the LIFE of me what or which I want to do in college. What kind of degree do I want? I'm not sure. What am I interested in? Alot! lol! I used to want to be a model and an actress,then I kept changing my mind and finding other interesting things too.The thought of going into voice acting is VERY appealing to me. But I also have an interest in computer animation(which makes a TON of money btw) and movies in general. Movie producing or directing or even just in the "behind the scenes" part of it. Like movie editing,or running the camera,or WHATEVER! Also after going to the woods behind my house a bunch of times,I noticed how GORGEOUS it is in there  and decided I had to get some pix,so I started taking pix like crazy w/my digital camera and got some awesome pix of the trees or the way the sky looked and some I even got of the sun peeking thru the trees and the shot came out just right. It looked SO.GOOD. Almost professional,and suddenly I found that I LOVED taking pix(mostly of nature) and now at the very same time I'm interested in all those other things I want to be a photographer lol Some of my interests don'y neccesarily require college,so ehhhhhh I dunno where to start. I'll go ahead and post some of the amazing pix I took for ya. ;)

This 1 is so far my favorite pic! I was laying on a sideways,fallen over tree-completely shaded but got a shot of the sun just peeking through and it came out just right. I also have this set as my desktop page. =)

This only a FEW of hundreds of pix I have taken. I live in Florida and near the beaches and marinas so I usually find something real pretty to snap a picture of. =)

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