Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I can't believe I no longer like going to work

I was pretty content w/this job for a while. I thought, "finally! I found a job again,and it pays so well for retail, plus the ppl here seem to be waaaay better than the kind I'm used to dealing w/." It did go smoothly for a while. I don't get many rude customers hardly at all,and my coworkers(I THOUGHT) were less dramatic than the ones u get working at Walmart. WRONG! Some of them are A LOT worse!! even in WALMART,the few ppl who ran their mouths eventually got bored of it and stopped. Not in Sam's. I have this 1 coworker who is the BIGGEST pain in the ass. Ever since he started w/us, it's "u don't have to tell me, I know. I've done everything. I've worked everywhere in the store. I know it all. blah blah blah." Then he went to LYING about getting things done,and then I get MY ass chewed out because it wasn't done,yet this asshole says he did it,so I always had to go behind him to make sure he did what he SAYS he did.  If that wasn't bad enough,he decided to rat me and Rob out for talking to each other; trying to claim we socialize too much and don't get anything done. He just COULDN'T. STOP. THERE! This asshole has SINCE then been running his mouth about me(sometimes about Rob too),but mostly ME! He continues to run to managers or COSs,and run his fucking mouth...and LIE! This weekend was HELL because of the superbowl, and Sundays are ALWAYS hell for me since I am ALWAYS the ONLY closer on that day. But YESTERDAY was the 1st day I kept getting my shit jumped from practically everybody,and the only difference is who I worked w/.  All the other Sundays I worked, ROB was the opener. THIS Sunday, shit face was the opener,and this was the Sunday I get in bitched at for EVERYTHING by damn near EVERY BODY! >.<

I can't fucken stand him! This IDIOT is not SMART enough nore RESPSONSIBLE enough to know when to take his damn breaks. Apparently, I'M not allowed to go to break unless I check w/HIM 1st. man, FUCK U! The only thing I was told to do was page that I am heading to break when I go. Since the FUCK when am I supposed to check in w/the baby,and make sure he got his widdle break before I take mine? What is he? A baby? When did I suddenly become his MOTHER? "oh sweet heart,did u get ur break? did u get something to eat? did u wash ur hands? did u wipe ur ass?" WTF? Since when are HIS breaks MY responsibility? On top of that this FUCKER lies AGAIN, and told Ed yesterday that I was late coming to work yesterday. I was supposed to be there at 10,and I was there at 10. But this faggot says I didn't get there until 11 and then took my break at noon. He's such an IDIOT! I'm getting damn sick and tired of this asshole bitching about me to every1 else. if u have an issue w/me,TAKE IT UP W/ME!! don't act all nice to my face,and then bitch to some1 else behind my back. FIGHT UR OWN FUCKING BATTLES, COWARD! >=0 He also claims that I "delibrately" keep my walkie low,so I won't have to answer any1. Man, FUCK U!!!! I didn't hear EVERY LITTLE THING MAYBE because it's SUNDAY-SUPER BOWL SUNDAY at that!! I had my walkie at FULL BLAST and STILL couldn't HEAR because it was so LOUD in the store!! And FYI, what FEW times that piece of shit called me,I actually HEARD and RESPONDED to his ass,so he needs to STFU!!!

Anyway, aside from that, I had a manager come tell me that the COS claims she told me several times to clean the cafe. uhh,she NEVER said that,but I go over there and sweep up/get trash anyway W/O being told to. I don't like things up pile up on me,so I did that all day! Not only that this stupid girl who work the meat dept. had  the NERVE to jump MY shit! She never really talks to me all that much. The only time before this that she ACTUALLY spoke to me was to ask me if Rob was still there and if I would tell him she wanted to talk to him when he got back form lunch. This time however, she walks up to me tossing trash to ask if I have a walkie and as soon as I said yes,she starts bitching me out about supposably she kept calling for maintenance an hr. ago,and she had to clean some mess up herself. Awww,poor BABY!! I didn't hear her call. Like I said, it was LOUD in the store all day. I had a hard time hearing the walkie EVEN w/it turned all the way up.

Haha, the irony of this is she's the same girl Rob talks to,and I felt bad for feeling jealous 1 time when they were talking,and I wanted to gouge her eyes out. I don't feel guitly anymore after that shit. Feeling guilty and stupid for being jealous over a guy IS kinda retarded,but when they bitch acts like a bitch towards u, it's fair game! I think if she asks me about Rob again, I am either gonna ignore her,or tell her, "ask him urself." and walk off! Bitch! I know Rob's friends w/her and all,but she is officially on my shit list. I've said before that she has never done anything to me,I was only feeling jealous that she was taking Rob's time from me, but she was an uber bitch to me this time,so FUCK IT! It's WAR! Stupid bitch wants to nag ME about a mess she had to clean up herself?? What about all the trash HER dept. leaves on the floor all the fucking time??

They NEVER throw it out! I always have to pick it up JUST so I can get to the dumpster opening! I should start bitching about that! It HAS been pissing me off! I'll cut the guys some slack coz they've always been nice to me,but when it's HER I'm gonna rip her a new asshole like she did to me. Fuck u, Bitch. I used to enjoy going to work in that place. Not anymore. I can't wait to finish my degree now, and get my career,so I can get the hell out of there and away from all the backstabbers and their drama. Sorry Rob, I love u,but I hate ur friend. That bitch is gonna get bitch slapped if she gets up in my face like that again. I don't CARE HOW stressed out u r, I was stressed out too,and u didn't see ME jumping any1's shit. I think I will start tho,and see how U like it. BACK OFF! It's stressful ENOUGH being accused of shit I didn't do,and being jumped by ppl. I didn't need HER adding HER bullshit too. >.<

I think I will start looking for another job(maybe Costco). As much as I enjoy working w/ Ed and Rob, I'm already sick of every1's shit. I've had plans for a long time now to hang out w/Rob away from work. Work sucks anyway. If I want UN-interrupted time w/him,then we need to see each other away from work anyway. As for Sherry and Ted, I plan to buy my gps in the next couple of days anyway, I will be asking for their address and coming by whenever I can. I'll visit the ppl who actually MATTER to me; who actually NOTICE and appreciate the hard work I do. Fuck ppl,and their mother fucking drama! >.< I will def miss working w/Rob. I'd rather see him outside of work anyway. Like I'd ever let quitting that job seperate me from the love of my life. Hell no! I will find a way to still see HIM. I promise u that. LOL

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