Friday, December 21, 2012

self conflict

As her feelings grow stronger and times goes on longer, her friends tell her she should tell him.
She should tell him how she feels. She should profess her undying love-
an undying love that grows stronger by leaps and bounds w/each passing second,but she still cannot.
Why is this so hard? Why does she find it so DIFFICULT to tell him how she feels? to even say she's only having a crush is more than she can bear.
Last time she confessed her feelings for another,she ended up regretting it in the end. Oh how things went so wrong.
She is desperate to keep history from repeating itself w/some1 else, but maybe HE is the 1.
She is just so afraid.
She fears getting hurt again.
This kind of thing never works out for her.
Doesn't matter how much time passes or if the guy is different.
Nothing matters because time after time again love continues to let her down.
Tear her down to nothingness; reduce her to heartache,sorrow,and regret.
She would rather have him as her best friend than not have him at all,so she suffers in silence like she always does when she's deep in love.
She wants to tell him.
She thinks she may have a chance w/him,but she is just so scared.
What is she scared of?
So much.
She can't even begin to describe the nightmares that run thru her mind.
The things that always happen when she dares to trust another.
The heartache.
The stress,the obstacles she always has to get him. To keep him.
The fears.
The anxieties.
The negative emotions that r just as strong as her feelings for him.
She's always having a self battle w/herself.
She wants him,but she wants to stay single.
She's terrified,yet she knows her heart will break far worse than in the past if she lets him go.
She could never forgive herself for letting her fear stand in the way of her happiness.
But she has this self battle; this self conflict w/herself: 1 side of her brain tells her to get the man she loves while, the other side tells her to avoid love at all costs because love comes at a price she does not wish to pay.
She is so confused as to what to do.
She is so miserable.
Being in love SUCKS,and she would reverse it if she could.

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