Sunday, September 2, 2012

what a day I had,today!

I always feel like I'm skating very thin,ice when this 1 coworker of mine; like if either myself or any1else tries to make any sort of suggestion,or show him something,he'll get pissed off,and jump ur shit. We've all,myself included,have been there alot longer than he has. at least in maintenance(he's worked here before,and in every OTHER part of the store,EXCEPT maintenance.) Ever since this man started,I've tried to show him the ropes;get him familliar w/every thing we do and is expected to be done,but it's like he doesn't wanna hear any of it. It's always, "Oh,I've got it." "Don't worry,I know/it's already been done." I don't feel like he ever listens to me,or that he's much of a help to any of us. Turns out,it isn't just ME. another coworker of mine in the same area,is getting frustrated w/him,too.

He also feels like he's being flat out ignored and like me as well,we're dealing w/ a "know-it-all." It's annoying! He can say all he wants,but I know he ended up taking the maintenance keys home w/him last night because he was the LAST person to have them,and I didn't see them again for the rest of the night,last night. my 1 coworker who was here before EITHER of us this morning, ALSO couldn't find the keys; was searching frantically for them like I was the night before. I feel sorry for this guy,coz he's really sweet and(in my opinion,) didn't deserve what he got this morning. The guy that lost the keys for us the other night,jumped HIS shit because he asked him(politely too,I might add) AGAIN about the keys because this time, *I* was there,so he could talk to BOTH of us. That was the point. He got pissed off,and started yelling and cussing at him. Poor guy. =( Anyway,this guy seems to be bipolar or something.

It's weird how he can be laid back,silly,and preaching about how life's too short to be angry/depressed all the time 1 second,and the next,he's flying off the handle at some1. The other guy, and I both think that he's lying to both of us,and that's y he got so pissed off and took it personal. It's VERY understandable if u accidentally took the keys home. I did that once myself. It's no big deal. What IS a big deal is him LYING about it. He swears up and down he turned em in before he left,and they were hanging in our little maintenance closet. Well, they weren't on the cart,and they CERTAINLY weren't hanging around anywhere ELSE in there. It's a small closet; we're not LIKELY to miss ANYTHING,INCLUDING the keys in there. We couldn't have BOTH been blind. Low and behold,the keys finally showed back up when HE showed up today. Lovely,aint it? -_- I'm just gonna go behind him,and make sure everything is done from now on. I'll do everything W/O him as much as possible because I don't feel like I can count on him for ANYTHING! -_-

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