Thursday, September 20, 2012

Last night was an emotional,miracle.

People are ALWAYS flying around the corner that is just a few feet away from my house. There are 1 or 2 houses a few doors down from me that,1 or the other(or both) almost ALWAYS get hit. Last night,I heard what sounded like a car speeding up,then flying off the road and where I expected to hear the crash afterwards,I didn't. The 1st time I went outside,I didn't see a car ANYWHERE,but my neighbors were outside talking to each other. They were just far enough away that I couldn't make out what they were saying. Within a few minutes, I saw an ambulance,2 fire trucks,and then 2 or 3 cops drive on over there. I finally walked over to see what was up,and I saw that there was indeed a car that wrecked,and it was between 2 of the houses. That was why I couldn't see it before. The car managed to plow thru a brick wall my next door neighbor had up to help keep cars from hitting his house. The car also managed to skid across the house next door to my neighbor's yard,and then make his way all the way over the house next door to THAT 1. In between both of these houses was where the car ended up. It was in there SIDEWAYS,backed up to the 1 man's side garage door. His car had gone to hell in a hand basket. The front end was CREAMED; the hood was popped open and had a big tree branch in it. The passenger side was crunched in so bad that the cops couldn't get the door open. Fortunately, there was only 1 man in there(the driver),and he was ok. Oddly enough, he wasn't even injured. His car looked that bad,I wasn't sure if he even survived. He was VERY lucky! He walked away w/o even so much of an injury. He was yaking away on his cell phone. No, he didn't crash from being on a cell phone, lol. He called his wife after he had an accident,and this is where it gets kinda sweet/emotional. His wife showed up a few min later; she had barely stopped the car when a little boy(their son) about 8,9,10 years old somewhere around in there,flung open the back door,ran out of that car,and threw himself around his father's waist in a death grip,hug,and started crying. AWWWWWWWWWW! that was so sweet! the dad was like, "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm ok." but that little boy never let go of him. It was so sweet, I almost cried,too. =,}

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