Monday, August 20, 2012


my absolute FAVORITE manager is opening up at a new store for and will be gone for 3 months. It's only been like a week at most since I've last seen him,and I am ALREADY having withdrawls. I like messing w/him and hell,I just LIKE him!! ^_^ To my complete PLEASANT surprise tonight,HE CAME!! He was here in the store tonight!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I was so damned happy,I could shit! LOL XD
I was very excited! I was trying so hard to not start dancing and singing! I was already getting a spring in my step. I almost didn't recognize him coz he was wearing glasses,and I've never seen him in glasses before. Apparently,he was wearing contacts this whole time? I had no idea! he actually looks really CUTE in glasses! I dunno WHAT it is about GLASSES that makes a guy seem more tame;more shy...something! Maybe it's the whole nerdy appearance or something. I dunno. I still can't believe he came to see us tonight!! yay!! ^_^ of course, as USUAL, I messed w/him BIG time!! ROFL!! I'm a brat,and I know it! XD he asked me y I can't ever say hi; y I have to give him a hard time all the time. coz it's FUN to mess w/him that's y!! ROFL!! XD I pick on him alot and have so much fun! I just needed to catch up. LOL!! ok ok,I REALLLLLLLLY like him! I still hate myself for this; I have a crush on a manager...not just that but a MARRIED guy ON TOP of that!! ugh! the disgrace;the shame! -_- lol! oh well,I've had to learn to accept the fact I have a crush on him,and stop letting the guilt get to me. Lately,I crush ALOT,and I have to just ride this crush out till it's done. I can't FIGHT it,and trying to fight my attractions/feelings has never done anything,but stress me the hell out!

 Also,I'm annoyed coz 1 of the demo ladies at work WON'T STOP TRYING TO FIND ME A BOYFRIEND!! she is DRIVING me CRAZY!! she keeps trying to set me up w/1 of my coworkers just because SHE likes him! but I DON'T!! I just said I have a crush on my manager,NOT this other guy she's trying to hook me up w/. However,my manager's married,and the other guy isn't. Plus,she doesn't KNOW I have a crush on the manager. I'm not gonna tell her either. She's a blabber mouth. I'm not telling ANY1 coz word spreads like WILD FIRE! it would get back to him,and I would be sooo HUMILIATED!! Anyway,this woman went so far to tell my coworker that I would rather casually date like friends;no relationship. I told her that just in talking! not so she can tell HIM,and convince him to ask me out!! how many x's do I have to tell this woman I do NOT wanna date right now??! it's MY life!! can I PLEASE decide for MYSELF when to start dating again and who? Is that too much to ASK??!! this woman just DOES. NOT. TAKE. A. HINT!!! >.<  I get the bad feeling: what if said coworker LIKES me,and now this lady is getting his hopes up for nothing! He prolly thinks I like him too,and I'm too shy to say anything,so this woman is helping us both out! that is NOT so,but what if he thinks that?? she has backed me into a corner! Now I will be forced to either go on date I don't wanna go on out of politeness,or I'll have to flat out turn him down; being FORCED to break some1's heart all because 1 busy body woman just won't BUTT OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S PERSONAL LIVES! >.< I thought my Walmart coworkers were bad,but even THEY weren't this bad! SHEESH!! I know I'm gonna have to talk to him A.S.A.P; to set him straight. I don't want him thinking the wrong thing! I don't want him getting his hopes up for nothing,and I def don't wanna go on a date w/a COWORKER! I sworn off that 3 years ago!! Besides,if I go on ANY date,I just KNOW ppl will find out,and we'll be the talk of the whole store;it'll never freaking END!!! I have to nip this in the bud, A.S.A.P.! I hope he works Wednesday,so I can talk to him then. =/

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