Tuesday, December 20, 2011

journaling/blogging whatever you wanna call it. =)

I actually had these weird online assignments I had to do in english class in college,where they have u practice ur grammar,and ur ability to identify things in essays that need correcting, or whatever they were. One of the things the lessons give tell u is to "journal", or "blog". So that is what I'm doing. Blogging. Good thing I have this blogger page. LOL U can write about anything u want,and u don't have to be grammatically correct,or POLITICALLY correct for that matter. Good. Coz I aint gonna. Political correctness,and the expectation to feel sorry for stupid people can kiss my ever loving ass LOL

So here's my journal;my "practice" for the day: I orignally made this blogger,so I could use google adsense. Google adsense,however;is a JOKE! ok. I've had them for like a YEAR now,and I STILL don't earn anything,so I took it back out. It's a waste. However,I still like blogging,and no1 prolly reads this,but it gives me something to do,and I don't have to risk some of my friends on facebook reading this. Most,I don't MIND reading what I say,but I have OTHERS,who's opinions I realllllly don't wanna see. LOL I have a cousin who's so ATHEIST,and so LIBERAL to the point,that if I post ANYTHING to do w/religion,or politics(since my politcal views r more conservative) he FLIES off the handle at me!! It's really irritating! >.<

Also, atleast 1 of my guy friends on there has a thing 4 me,so it kinda makes me feel weird when I mention Grant Wilson(who I have a CRUSH on lol),or post his pix. Since no1else uses blogger,I don't have to worry about them reading any of this.That's basically it. I made blogger,so I could use adsense,but I'm not thrilled w/it. I do like blogger,so I am keeping it. It's the only place I feel safe giving my opinions n such aside twitter,but twitter doesn't let u type much. It's just for short statuses,whereas here,I can type as much as I want. That's all. =)

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