Sunday, August 9, 2015

what's w/these dreams??

about a couple days ago, I had ANOTHER dream about something flying that is trying to get me.  WHY do I have these dreams? it's always air craft of some sort that flies FAST towards my house like it's gonna smash through my window. I dunno. Maybe they're trying to kill me or something. This time it was the "big boy" statue or whatever it's called from "the simpsons." lol! it wasn't cartoon-like tho. It was "real." Like our world "real." Like what always happens in these dreams, I duck out of sight away from the window,but this time I was able to observe where it was and w/o it suddenly disappearing from sight. It was flying in circles like a hovering bird would over prey. wtf? like it waiting for me or something. It did that for a while and not "seeing" me,it finally left. weeeeeird.

I also had an AWESOME dream. 1 that I could control coz I KNEW I was dreaming. Sometimes, I still can't control my dreams,but I had the ability to control this 1. =) I had a dream about being at work and suddenly realizing I was dreaming and smiled over this and said to myself,"I know this is just a dream. I got an idea." In real life I have a HUGE crush on a gay guy at work(oh the irony), lol. Well in my dream, I marched right up to him and said, "I KNOW this is just a dream." then got straight to it. "I've had a major crush on u for several months." LOL talk about BOLD! hahaha. Anyway, to my surprise, he looked PLEASED about it. He smiled so big and then took my hand,and we walked right out the door. I was like, "oh, we're just up and leaving. ok. I guess we're not even gonna clock out 1st." It was just a dream,so I wasn't at ALL worried about it, LOL. I also hadn't forgotten that he's gay,but in my dream he was clearly straight..or at least bi. LOL!! coz he took my hand and walked me out. We were just gonna run off together I guess. We didn't get very far in the parking lot before I stopped him and pulled him to a tight death grip of a hug and stood there for a while just relishing in being in his arms. Then I pulled him down toward me and made out w/him..surprsingly he kissed me back! not stand there and let me do what I want, but he actually PARTICIPATED!! OH HELL YEAH!!!  too bad it's ONLY a dream. dammit. lol yay!!! ^_^

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