Thursday, May 1, 2014

really cool dream I had this morning =)

it started off kinda scary. I walked into a dark house(presumably "my" house) in the dark; no lights on or anything,and I knew my "mom"(this woman wasn't at all my mom,but in the dream she was) was in there somewhere. she had a creepy or abusive boyfriend or whatever he was who started slowly approaching me from outta "nowhere" in the dark(there were no lights on inside either),and I was sure he was either gonna rape me,or just abuse me in some other way,so I kinda hauled ass out of the house. Suddenly, I'm outside,and I, running for a little then I just kinda float up in the sky. It was dark,but there was a bright pretty moon out,and the whole town or neighborhood I was hovering over was well lit up. the sky was COVERED in stars as well as the brightness of the moon just lit the way for me. I started praying-or at least had started praying before I floated if not after because I was still scared that creepy guy would get me,and I suddenly looked up and saw what looked like envelope type shapes in the sky. they were getting as close to the same amount of stars in the sky,and they right up there W/ the stars-as if they were stars too-not just simply hovering in the air like a balloon,and they were basically outlines of envelopes as if some1 kinda sketched them,but didn't draw details-just simply the outline/edge of the envelope,and they were lit up like neon signs or something. each had a diff color: some were red, others blue, yellow,green,but it was just the LINES that made up the "skecth" of them-not in the "inside" of the "envelopes". it's very difficult to describe what they are,but I started to think that maybe these were prayers being "mailed" to God. It was so cool.  =)

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