Tuesday, June 12, 2012

if I HAD a paranormal experience, I don't remember it

I dunno y my dad was looking up our old house on google earth. It was the house I grew up in(mostly),altho, we've moved around ALOT during my life time,this is the house I'm always dreaming about. My parents(dad specifically), insist that I had some type of paranormal experience as a baby; like some evil spirit was messing w/me. All I know,according to my parents, is that I couldn't sleep in this 1 room. I would wake up screaming my head off every night,and I would even climb out of my crib and fall on my head alot, trying to escape. They told me I was scared of a certain corner and would always keep my eye trained on that same spot(regardless of how they moved my crib around the room),screaming and crying hysterically.(apparently this happened EVERY night.) My mom said as long as I was in her room,I was quiet for the rest of the night,but when she put me back in my room, I would start hollering again. To this day,when my dad talks about that house,he swears that room had a "spirit" in it. I can't understand tho, y I never got freaked out by that room again when I was older,and why wasn't the REST of the house "haunted"? either a house is haunted or it isn't. I've never heard of only 1 room being haunted. it makes no sense. My parents never had any experiences(surely they would have told me if they had),and I sure didn't have any experiences when I got older.

My mom made that same room the play/toy room when I was 9, and my brother was born. I would play for hours on end in that room just fine. I never got freaked out,felt uncomfortable,or anything in that room. My brother was in there w/me too,and he was just a baby-about the same age I was when,I used to get freaked out in there. It didn't bother HIM,tho. I keep trying to come up w/a logical explanation as to Y I used to get terrified in that room. I even once, decided to turn the light off and just sit in the dark for a few min and test it out. Once again,NOTHING happened. I didn't get scared/freaked out-nore did I get a bad feeling and at 9 years old, I was still young enough to find horror movies or anything ghost related terrifying. I mean-I could easily freak myself out w/my over reactive imagination and expectation of something happening,but THAT didn't even happen. I wish my parents had thought to set up a camera in my room or something. Now I'm prolly gonna go to my grave still wondering what happened to me in that room. lol Just like,I'm also gonna go thru the rest of my life wondering, WHAT/WHY/HOW, I found so damn FRIGHTENING about my cousin's grandfather. Now,THAT 1 I remember. I remember being scared to death of that man-what I can't remember is WHY? He was really nice guy-never did anything to me,so y was I so damn scared of him??? I don't think I'll ever know. =/

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