Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Depressing Never Ending Story

Here is the story about a woman who is deeply depressed. The depression and mood swings had been around probably since her teen years which seem to have gotten worse with time-particularly during her 20s and now her 30s her unhappiness only increases as time goes by.  She has always gone from job to job where each 1 makes her miserable,or she likes the occasional one,and it isn't too long before her employers look for reasons to get rid of her. The other thing that never changes is her love life! It has always sucked,and it never improves no matter what! The men she loves never love her back,and the one man she found who did died on her. Now she is back to being pursued by less than subpar men and falling in love with a man who will never have her. She is once again at a job she kind of likes-well mainly she loves her coworkers..and one in particular. The guy is confusing and can be such an ASS one minute and totally sweet the next...as usual when a man finds out she "secretly"loves him, he finds a way to make her pay for her "crime" in some way: this one by throwing her under the bus-going behind her back to the bosses instead of confronting her himself. 

Because this isn't bad enough, things get a little better with time,and she even forgives him and they are decent to one another once again but lo and behold- coronavirus hits,and all the idiots lose their fucking minds to the  point that they shut down the economy over it and lay people off-even companies that stay open. She takes home a dog that shows up at work,and the very next day is laid off..but wait! there's more! this dog turned out to be pregnant and while puppies are amazing-she lives in a tiny ass camper with noone else nearby. no human interaction and no family nearby coz everyone is in another state. So she is bored,depressed,and feeling overwhelmed with 5 dogs in a rinky dink camper,but wait..there's more bullshit! She spent the whole month of being laid off  not being able to sleep-then it turning into always being tired no matter what! Day after day of cleaning up dog vomit and puppy shit. Day after day after maddening day of also nowhere to go and nothing to do-staring at the same fucking rv park and camper over and over again..

Finding ticks on her and having to constantly check for them..being afraid and grossed out to sleep in her own bed. Camper beds get pretty gross pretty quick! Wishing she was back to living in a house. Lonely,angry,depressed,and constantly tired. Somedays she contemplates suicide ..sometimes just thinking of sleeping in her car. She is losing her sanity and doesn't know what to do to solve it! She wants to cry but is kind of dried up at the moment..but mostly she just wants sleep-something she can't seem to get enough of! There u go..life sucks! What a sad lonely existance for a woman who feels so useless to even herself and questions why she exists in the 1st place. The End  >=(

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