Saturday, May 19, 2012

I just have too much to say! lol

 I had this nice long chat w/my mom tonight on a walk(NO I didn't WALK MY MOM,Idelise. lol),and we talked about some interesting stuff that's got me thinking about alot right now. I can't remember how the conversation got started exactly,but I started telling my mom about the weird dreams I have..again. I seem to have(creepy) paranormal experiences at times but ONLY in my dreams. it's not even interesting type paranormal stuff. it's the creepy shit! like demons attacking u or something. things just..TOUCHING u in the dark,and u can't see them,but u also an't fight them off coz ur body refuses to move. The dreams I've been having on again off again since I was 13. I also told my mom that back when I was in the hospital,they 1st had me in this 1 big room,and then they later moved me to a smaller room w/1 bed for JUST ME. this was 1 of those times I was sleeping in the dark w/the door shut,so I was DEF ALONE in there. Anyway,it only happened ONCE,but it felt like some1 suddenly took their hand,and ran down my head in a petting motion. I was asleep when this happened,but I was also..hmm how do I describe this?? I was ASLEEP,but somehow ENOUGH alert, that I remembered  I was alone in that room,and I swear I was having a weird dream,but maybe it wasn't a dream.

I gatta wonder. Anyway,when I told my mom about that she said that maybe it was my grandmother. I don't think so. I'm pretty sure if it had been my GRANDMA,I wouldn't have got creeped out. I woulda still been wondering what that was,but I don't think her presence woulda creeped me out. Also,my grandmother died when I was a month shy of my 9th birthday. I was in that hospital at 22. y would she wait all that time to come see me or anything? again tho,it only happened the 1 TIME,and I was asleep. pretty sure I dreamt that. My dreams have a nasty habit of mocking my surroundings detail for detail. that's how they become so vivid. Altho,(and I don't know of this MEANS anything) in that same room my little buzzer that calls the nurse for assistance,kept going off for a while. I wasn't scared. it just annoyed the hell out of me coz it wouldn't QUIT! I had a little remote thing to call w/ as well, as a button on the wall w/a speaker behind my bed. I remember hearing the thing buzz w/o me pushing the button,and the "can I help u" from the nurse's station. I felt bad coz this happend numerous time and numerous times,I had to tell them "no thx I'm good. the buzzer keeps going off by itself." All I could think of was "the boy who cried wolf",and if this thing didn't stop,then when I call them for real,they weren't gonna respond. LOL

Anyway,me and my mom started talking about all kinds of crazy things, like the possibility of there being other dimensions,but we don't know about them. just like in movies. lol My mom also reminded me that shortly after Grandma passed,my cousin claimed he went home 1 day,no1 else was home,and the tv was on. not only that,but it was on the western channel,which supposably, my grandmother was the only 1 that ever watched that channel,so I dunno. Oh,and among other things,my mom was emailed some article about xylitol. I already knew that xylitol prevents cavities,but apparently it does even more than that. it can help battle cancer all kinds of other things too. My mom said somethig about it working like teplon or something,in ur body. it makes bacterias n stuff slip right out of ur system. it's also a natural sugar u can use that doesn't make u gain weight,and in fact can help u LOSE weight too. Oh,and another thing it said was,we're lead to believe we get hearburn real bad because we have TOO MUCH stomach acid,but somehow the OPPOSITE is the culprit. NOT ENOUGH stomach acid,so ur body doesn't absorb all the nutrients and stuff like it's supposed to,so vitamins don't work for instance. Just interesting stuff like that. yeah,that pretty much sums it up. lol

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